JFK Blvd. Over 21st, 22nd and 23rd Streets (SR 3037 Section JFK) Preliminary and Final Design
Philadelphia, PA
Services: Surveying / Mapping and Right-of-Way, Geotechnical, HD Laser Scanning
Project Owner: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 6-0
The project involves superstructure replacements of three bridges on JFK Boulevard (SR 3037) over 21st, 22nd and 23rd Streets.
Susquehanna Civil, Inc. has been performing the following activities:
Topographic survey work for the entire project, including HD Laser Scanning
Right-of-way investigations and plans
Geotechnical engineering including providing soil parameters for existing abutments. Engineering included stabilization plan for four wingwalls and one retaining wall.
Pavement Design
On-site monitoring during construction of jet grouting process new to District 6-0
Susquehanna Civil Agreement Amount: $430,014
I-95 Bridge Street to Betsy Ross Bridge (SR 0095 SECTION BRI)
Philadelphia, PA
PROJECT OWNER Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Engineering District 6-0
I-95 mainline improvements:
Reconstruction of four through lanes in each direction and widening of the median and shoulders.
Reconstruction or repair of 28 northbound and southbound bridges.
Construction of northbound and southbound collector-distributor lanes to serve traffic entering and exiting at Aramingo Avenue and the Betsy Ross Bridge.
At Betsy Ross Bridge/Aramingo Avenue Interchange:
Build a new road that connects Aramingo Avenue to Adams Avenue.
Build new ramps to and from Aramingo Avenue and I-95 and the Betsy Ross Bridge.
Build a new off-ramp from I-95 North to Orthodox Street that provides access to Aramingo Avenue.
Close the existing on-ramp from Aramingo Avenue to I-95 South.
Close the existing off-ramp from I-95 North to Aramingo Avenue.
Susquehanna Civil, Inc. has been performing the following activities as the project’s geotechnical engineer:
Geotechnical work such as RSGER’s, administration of boring contracts, core boring inspection, foundation design for all bridges, retaining walls and sign structures.
Pavement Design
Infiltration Testing
In 2012, Susquehanna Civil was awarded all remaining field surveying and mapping tasks along with remaining right-of-way investigations and plans for the the Final Design Phase. This new work includes a portion of the Conrail Delair Branch also used by N.J. Transit.
Susquehanna Civil Contract: $6.6 million
DCNR Civil/Structural Open End Agreement
SCI is designing a number of projects as prime consultant. Tasks include Survey, Environmental, Hydrology/Hydraulics, Permitting, Structure Design, Roadway Design, and preparing bid packages. Projects include:
Raccoon Park Road Bridge over Traverse Creek, Raccoon Creek State Park, Beaver Co.: This project was the replacement of the existing structure with a new 75’ single-span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge with scour protection. Formliners and concrete staining were included to enhance the bridge appearance. The approach roadways were also reconstructed.
Rockport Road over Buck Mountain Creek, Lehigh Gorge State Park, Carbon Co.: This project is the replacement of the existing structure with a new 53’ single-span prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge on a 35° skew with scour protection. Formliners and concrete staining were included to enhance the bridge appearance. The approach roadways will also be reconstructed. Due to the need to maintain access at the Park, a temporary roadway and stream crossing will be constructed.
Trout Run Road Culvert over Trout Run, Tiadaghton State Forest, Lycoming Co.: This project is the replacement of the existing corrugated metal pipe arch with a new 24’ x 10’ precast concrete arch. Formliners and concrete staining were included to enhance the bridge appearance. The approach roadways will also be reconstructed.
Yarrison Road Bridge over Fourth Gap, Tiadaghton State Forest, Lycoming Co.: This project is the replacement of the existing structure with a new 16’ x 8’ precast concrete arch. Formliners and concrete staining were included to enhance the bridge appearance. The approach roadways will also be reconstructed.
Lebo Road Culvert over Big Spring Branch of Lebo Run, Susquehannock State Forest, Potter Co.: This project is the replacement of the existing steel pipe arch with a new 15’ x 7’ precast concrete box culvert. Formliners and concrete staining were included to enhance the bridge appearance. The approach roadways will also be reconstructed.
Park Entrance Road & Access Road to Lot #4, Gouldsboro State Park, Monroe Co.: This project is the reconstruction of 2800’ of the Park roadway by reclaiming the existing pavement as new base and resurfacing with bituminous pavement.
On-lot Sewage Treatment Facilities, S.B. Elliot State Park, Clearfield Co.: This project is to obtain the on-lot sewage permit for a new shower house/comfort station with sandmound treatment facility to service the Park’s rental cabins. The site is located within a High Quality (HQ) watershed.
Bear Meadows Road Bridge over Sinking Creek, Rothrock State Forest, Centre Co.: This project is to rehabilitate the existing 21.5’ single-span steel I-beam bridge by installing steel diaphragms and spot painting the steel beams, replacing the laminated wood deck and bituminous paving, and place rock slope protection.
Fee Hollow Road Bridge over West Branch Cowley Run, Sizerville State Park/Elk State Forest, Potter Co.: This project is to rehabilitate the existing corrugated steel plate arch by underpinning the gabion headwalls, placing rock riprap for scour protection and update roadway signing.
UNT to Bushkill Creek/Camp William Penn Lake Culverts, Delaware State Forest, Pike Co.:This project is to replace 2 existing culvert structures with precast concrete box culverts. The approach gravel roadways will be repaired as need and a trail may be realigned as part of the project.